Inserting Nodes into a Binary Tree Iteratively in Swift Inserting Nodes into a Binary Tree Iteratively in Swift

Binary trees are powerful data structures used in various applications, from organizing hierarchical data to efficiently searching and sorting. When working with binary trees in Swift, it's important to understand how to insert nodes into the tree. In this article, we'll explore how to insert nodes into a binary tree iteratively using Swift, and provide a practical example of this process.

The Basics: Binary Trees

Before we dive into the Swift code, let's briefly review binary trees. A binary tree is a hierarchical data structure consisting of nodes. Each node has at most two children, referred to as the left and right children. The top node is called the root, and nodes with no children are known as leaf nodes. Binary trees come in various forms, including binary search trees (BSTs) and balanced trees like AVL trees.

Node and Tree Structure in Swift

To work with binary trees in Swift, we'll define a Node class to represent individual nodes and a BinaryTree class to manage the tree's operations. Here's a basic structure:

class Node {
  var data: T
  var left: Node?
  var right: Node?
  init(data: T) { = data
      self.left = nil
      self.right = nil

class BinaryTree {
  var root: Node?
  // Iteratively insert a node into the binary tree
  func insert(data: T) {
      // Implementation goes here
Iteratively Inserting Nodes

Inserting nodes into a binary tree iteratively involves traversing the tree to find the appropriate location for the new node. Let's explore the iterative insertion algorithm:

// Iteratively insert a node into the binary tree
func insert(data: T) {
    let newNode = Node(data: data)
    if root == nil {
        root = newNode
    var current = root
    while true {
        if data < current!.data {
            if current!.left == nil {
                current!.left = newNode
            current = current!.left
        } else if data > current!.data {
            if current!.right == nil {
                current!.right = newNode
            current = current!.right
        } else {
            // Handle duplicate values as needed

Here's how this iterative insertion works:

  • We first create a new node (newNode) with the data we want to insert.
  • If the tree is empty (i.e., root is nil), we set the new node as the root and exit.
  • If the tree is not empty, we initialize a current variable to the root of the tree and enter a loop.
  • Inside the loop, we compare the data to be inserted with the data in the current node. If the data is smaller, we move to the left subtree; if larger, we move to the right subtree.
  • We continue this process until we find an empty spot (i.e., a nil child node) where we insert the new node.
  • If the data to be inserted is equal to the data in the current node, you can choose to handle duplicate values as needed. In this example, duplicates are ignored, but you can modify the behavior based on your requirements.
Putting It into Practice

Now that we have implemented the iterative insertion method, let's put it into practice:

let tree = BinaryTree()
tree.insert(data: 5)
tree.insert(data: 3)
tree.insert(data: 8)
tree.insert(data: 1)
tree.insert(data: 4)
tree.insert(data: 7)
tree.insert(data: 9)

This code creates a binary tree and inserts several nodes into it using the iterative insert method. The result is a binary tree that is constructed efficiently and ready for further operations.


Iterative insertion of nodes into a binary tree is an essential skill when working with binary tree data structures in Swift. Understanding this process allows you to efficiently build and manage binary trees in various applications, from organizing data to implementing searching and sorting algorithms.