Exploring Binary Trees in Swift Exploring Binary Trees in Swift

Binary trees are fundamental data structures used in computer science and software development. They serve a variety of purposes, from efficiently searching and sorting data to representing hierarchical relationships. In Swift, working with binary trees is both intuitive and efficient. In this article, we will delve into binary trees, their properties, and demonstrate how to implement them in Swift.

What is a Binary Tree?

A binary tree is a hierarchical data structure in which each node has at most two children, referred to as the left and right child. The top node in a binary tree is called the root, and nodes with no children are called leaf nodes. Binary trees come in various forms, including binary search trees (BSTs), AVL trees, and more, each with specific characteristics and use cases.

Anatomy of a Binary Tree

Before diving into Swift code, let's understand the fundamental components of a binary tree:

Binary Tree
  • Node: The basic building block of a binary tree. Each node contains data and references to its left and right children.
  • Root: The top node of the tree, from which all other nodes are descended.
  • Parent Node: A node that has one or more child nodes.
  • Child Node: A node that is a descendant of another node.
  • Leaf Node: A node with no children.
  • Height: The length of the longest path from the root to a leaf node. The height of the tree is the height of the root node.
  • Depth: The depth of a node is the length of the path from the root to that node.
Implementing a Binary Tree in Swift

To implement a binary tree in Swift, we'll first create a Node class to represent each node in the tree. Each Node object will contain data and references to its left and right children (if they exist). Here's a simple implementation:

class Node {
  var data: T
  var left: Node?
  var right: Node?
  init(data: T) {
      self.data = data
      self.left = nil
      self.right = nil

In this implementation, T represents the type of data that the node will hold. You can use any data type you need.

Now, let's create a binary tree class that can be used to build and manipulate the tree. We'll include methods for inserting nodes, searching for nodes, and traversing the tree. (See how to implement iterative binary tree algorithm here)

class BinaryTree {
  var root: Node?
  // Insert a node into the tree
  func insert(data: T) {
      root = insertRec(root, data)
  private func insertRec(_ node: Node?, _ data: T) -> Node {
      if let node = node {
          if data < node.data {
              node.left = insertRec(node.left, data)
          } else if data > node.data {
              node.right = insertRec(node.right, data)
          return node
      } else {
          return Node(data: data)
  // Perform an in-order traversal of the tree
  func inOrderTraversal(_ node: Node?, _ result: inout [T]) {
      if let node = node {
          inOrderTraversal(node.left, &result)
          inOrderTraversal(node.right, &result)
Capturing Values

In this BinaryTree class, we have an insert method to insert nodes into the tree, and an inOrderTraversal method to perform an in-order traversal of the tree (which prints the nodes in ascending order for a BST).

Using the Binary Tree

Now that we have our binary tree implementation, let's create a binary tree, insert some data, and traverse it:

  // Create a binary tree
let tree = BinaryTree()

// Insert data into the tree
tree.insert(data: 5)
tree.insert(data: 3)
tree.insert(data: 8)
tree.insert(data: 1)
tree.insert(data: 4)
tree.insert(data: 7)
tree.insert(data: 9)

// Perform in-order traversal
var result = [Int]()
tree.inOrderTraversal(tree.root, &result)
print(result) // Output: [1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9]

This code snippet demonstrates the creation of a binary tree, insertion of data, and performing an in-order traversal to print the sorted values.


Binary trees are a crucial data structure in computer science and Swift provides an elegant and efficient way to work with them. In this article, we've explored the basics of binary trees, their components, and implemented a simple binary tree in Swift. You can expand upon this foundation to create more complex trees or use them in various algorithms and applications, such as binary search trees for efficient searching and sorting operations. Understanding and mastering binary trees is a valuable skill for any Swift developer.